Son La Pham


NameSon La Pham (he/him)
Country of BirthAotearoa
Place of ResidenceBerlin
ArtformDesign, Club nights
Decades Active2010s, 2020s


Son La Pham is a graphic designer and developer living in Berlin. His work reflects his interest in the critical implications and possibilities of new technologies, and new forms emerging on the web.

Pham grew up in Pōneke Wellington and graduated from Massey University’s Visual Communication Design programme in 2015. Since then, he has frequently collaborated with artists, curators, galleries and writers, contributing to projects such as Animals as Objects? (2021, with others), A Year of Conscious Practice (2017, with Dexter Edwards), the Bowerbank Ninow gallery and auction house identity (2015-18, with DDMMYY), publications and exhibition collateral for Artspace Aotearoa (2015-18, also with DDMMYY), and LE ROY Magazine (2017, with Kelvin Soh, Oliver Guyon and Sam Wieck).

From 2016 to 2018, he worked with DJs Creamy Mami, Brown Boy Magik and Lil Hoe on the Prairie, running Fully Explicit, a queer active club night in Auckland.

In 2018, Pham exhibited the wall-mounted installation Warm Blood at Objectspace in Auckland.

Alongside game developer Francis Tseng and as part of the Berlin collective TRUST, Pham created the free browser game Half-Earth Socialism (2022), to accompany the book of the same name by Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese, published by Verso Books. The global planning game allows players to experiment with different combinations of technologies and policies, testing their environmental impacts through a real climate model and simulated impacts on biodiversity and food systems.


Last updated: 2 March 2024 Suggest an Edit

The text on this page is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The copyright for images and other multimedia belongs to their respective owners.


Bright yellow poster with silhouette of a woman brandishing a dagger.

Son La Pham, Poster for the second Fully Explicit club night, December 2016

Courtesy of Son La Pham

White t-shirt with the words 'Another World Is Possible in a circle.

Son La Pham with DDMMYY, Merchandise for LE ROY magazine

Courtesy of Son La Pham

A metal plate with text engraved onto it sitting on top of bubble wrap

Son La Pham, Signage for the Cybernetics Library Berlin branch

Courtesy of Son La Pham

Collage of starlings with text placed on top

Son La Pham with DDMMYY, Instagram post for Sorawit Songsatya's show Starling at Artspace Aotearoa, with text from Robyn Maree Pickens, 2018

Courtesy of Son La Pham

text exchange

Correspondence between Son La and his dad during the production of the Mitchong Grand Reunion 2018 photobook

Courtesy of Son La Pham

A clothing tag featuring mirror-reversed text

Son La Pham, Joel Fear, Dexter Edwards, Bryn Fenemor and Seb McLauchlan, Signage for NO SERVICE graduate exhibition, 2014

Courtesy of Son La Pham

Review with a thumbs down saying "Complete trash."

Review of Half-Earth Socialism on Steam

Courtesy of Son La Pham