Eggies Everywhere All At Once Book / Publication / Landmark Writing


NameEggies Everywhere All At Once
Writer(s)All My Friends; Alyssa Medel; Alyssa Pua; Anjuli Selvadurai; Clarisse Perida Crystal Chen; Fish; Good Bad English; Grace Ko; Gwen Lin; Jake Tabata; Jarem Cabamongan; John Rata; Nicola Guidote; Pauline Elloso; Randall Lee; Ray Leslie; Ruby White; Ryselle Dolon; Sam Fonacier; Shelby Kua; Talia Pua; Yin-chi Lee
Type of TextZine


Eggies Everywhere All At Once is a handbound risograph zine that platforms the work of 20 Asian creatives across Aotearoa in a variety of ways - from interviews to personal essays. The zine was created by Alyssa Pua and Gwen Lin of Yölk collective in 2022 as “a nurturing space for budding Pan-Asian creatives in Aotearoa to connect, create, and collaborate”.

Printed on 100% recycled paper with vegetable oil-based ink, Eggies Everywhere All At Once has a distinct colour palette and print aesthetic. The design utilises bold layout choices; overlays of colour, text and photo are a staple of this zine. There is also a notable interaction between print and online design aesthetics, with the publication often using webpage or user interaction (UI) button motifs. Having built a strong Asian community and creative collective through social media, Yölk’s choice to implement online aesthetics into the publication is narratively coherent. The emphasis on strong graphic design references the zine’s intent to create a permanent, tangible object to showcase the work of local Asian artists: “We wanted to do something new. Something permanent. Stories and perspectives that you could hold physically and keep”.

The title, Eggies Everywhere All At Once, refers to the 2022 film Everything Everywhere All at Once, which is often referred to as a prominent turning point for Asian representation and storytelling. Tonally, the text is casual and personal, focusing on the real-world experiences, perspectives and artistic processes of interviewed creatives. From fashion to ceramics to baking, Eggies Everywhere All At Once platforms a variety of creative practices, ensuring both emerging and established artists are represented. Immigration, belonging and the intersection of identity and arts are common themes throughout the zine.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once received overwhelmingly positive support on its release at the 2022 Auckland Zinefest, winning Auckland Zinefest Best of the Fest 2022 and selling out. Pua and Lin were invited to speak on the importance of collaboration in independent publishing at the 2022 Auckland Zinefest DIT (Do It Together) Zines panel.


Key awards

2022 — Auckland Zinefest Best of the Fest: Best Overall Zine

Last updated: 29 February 2024 Suggest an Edit

The text on this page is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The copyright for images and other multimedia belongs to their respective owners.


A bright orange zine with abstract egg patterns, photographed on a blue background.

Yölk, Eggies Everywhere All At Once PDF, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

[pdf ↓]
A yellow and orange colour swirls with black and white egg shapes overlayed on top.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once draft cover, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

A yellow and black gradient with large title text and googly eyes in the top right corner.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once draft cover, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Bold white text on top of bright green background with abstract egg-like shapes in the background.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once draft cover, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Several different cover options in various design styles and colours.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once cover mood board, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Several different page layout and spread options in various design styles and colours.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once mood board, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

A spreadsheet with various tasks and ideas listed.

Notion screenshot, Eggies Everywhere All At Once ideas spreadsheet, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Text brainstorming ideas and themes.

Notion screenshot of Eggies Everywhere All At Once ideas, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Several different editorial page layout and spread options in various design styles and colours.

Eggies Everywhere All At Once design style mood board, 2022

Courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua

Two people smiling in front of a zine table.

Photo of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua at Auckland Zinefest, 2022

Photo courtesy of Gwen Lin and Alyssa Pua