From Me to You Book / Publication / Landmark Writing


NameFrom Me to You
Writer(s)Sochetha Meng
Type of TextZine
CityPōneke Wellington


From Me to You is a 3-part zine series by Cambodian New Zealand designer, Sochetha Meng, released in 2021. Titled The Past, The Present and The Future, each zine tackles a different temporal space and the subsequent effects of migration — from Meng’s parent’s migrating to Aotearoa after the unsettled landscape post-Khmer Rouge Regime (The Past), to the present point of Meng as a second-generation immigrant (The Present), to Meng’s imagined future for Asian-New Zealand diasporic communities (The Future). Meng describes the series as a “care package”, hoping for the zines to provide comfort for young Asian migrants living in Aotearoa.

The idea was born out of Meng’s feelings of isolation during COVID-19 lockdowns — unable to visit her parents or family in Cambodia, Meng wanted to find a way to both vent these feelings and normalise the experiences of migrant diasporic communities:

I created this project as a way to shed light on the difficulties of navigating unique identities—being stuck in between two cultures, common to individuals in immigrant families like me.

From Me to You uses both Khmer script and English, recording the stories of Meng and her family through a range of creative mediums; poetry, anecdotes, personal histories, collage and paintings are threaded throughout the zine. Collage is particularly used to manifest feelings of cultural liminality — in The Present images of Meng as a child are overlaid on a background of both Cambodian and New Zealand fabrics, landscapes and cultural animals. The cover of each zine features traditional Cambodian textual patterns.

From Me to You is sold in both Aotearoa and Cambodia, with all proceeds going to the Raksa Koma Foundation.


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Last updated: 5 March 2024 Suggest an Edit

The text on this page is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The copyright for images and other multimedia belongs to their respective owners.


Text explaining the goals of the project with several photographs showing the process and end product of the zines.

From Me To You project statement and aims PDF, 2021

Courtesy of Sochetha Meng

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Text explaining the output of the project with a photograph displaying the end product of the zines.

From Me To You project output PDF, 2021

Courtesy of Sochetha Meng

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Text explaining the tagline of the project with a collaged photograph from within the zine.

From Me To You project inspirations PDF, 2021

Courtesy of Sochetha Meng

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