Memories of Mercury Plaza Book / Publication / Landmark Writing


NameMemories of Mercury Plaza
Writer(s)Helen Yeung; Pon Huey Min; Jean Teng; Diana Hu; Abbey Gamit; Kevin Shen; Aisha Nursriamina Johan; Clint Taniguchi; and others
PublisherMigrant Zine Collective
Type of TextZine
CityTāmaki Makaurau Auckland


Memories of Mercury Plaza is a Migrant Zine Collective zine that was created in response to the demolition of Mercury Plaza in 2019. Mercury Plaza was an iconic Asian food court on Karangahape Road that provided a sense of comfort and familiarity for many migrants of colour in the '90s and '00s and was demolished in 2019 to make way for the City Light Rail transport system.

Bringing together writing, ephemera, collage and illustration from a range of contributors reflecting on their memories of Mercury Plaza and its importance in the migrant community, the zine was created to coincide with Mercury Plaza: Origins + New Beginnings, an exhibition curated by Joni Lee and Jia Luo that took place in Mercury Plaza. Editor Helen Yeung describes the purpose of Memories of Mercury Plaza as “a zine to archive memories of the space”.

Stylistically similar to many other Migrant Zine Collective works, Memories of Mercury Plaza utilises a DIY aesthetic to embrace the community roots of zinemaking. Food is a common theme in Memories of Mercury Plaza and much of the writing is centered on memories of particular dishes from the food court. Because the zine features a range of contributors, there is a notable change in style between each page — however, the aesthetic and tonal differences are offset by the overarching connection to the site.


Key works / presentations

2019 — Memories of Mercury Plaza: Interactive Zine Table

2019 — Invited workshop for Mercury Plaza: Origins + New Beginnings, Mercury Plaza, Tāmaki Makaurau

Related entries

Last updated: 29 February 2024 Suggest an Edit

The text on this page is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The copyright for images and other multimedia belongs to their respective owners.


Five people smiling around a table displaying various zines displayed.

Migrant Zine Collective, Instagram screenshot of the Memories of Mercury Plaza workshop, 2019

A grid of four images showing several different people working on collages and drawings around a table.

Migrant Zine Collective, Instagram screenshot of the Memories of Mercury Plaza workshop, 2019

Text calling out for submissions.

Migrant Zine Collective, Instagram screenshot of the Memories of Mercury Plaza call for submissions, 2019